Sliding Cleat-On-Rail Tie-Down System rides up and down with the tide or wave action to always ensure taut lines!
The patent-pending ROUGH RIDER™ mooring system allows for quick and easy tying up of your vessel. The easy-to-install system consists of a series of polymer "cleats" that ride up and down stainless rods which allows you to tie your boat up tight.
This means you can position your boat where you want to instead of centering it in the slip. It also eliminates the need for spring/slack/criss-cross lines
Sliding Cleat-On-Rail Tie-Down System rides up and down with the tide or wave action to always ensure taut lines!
The patent-pending ROUGH RIDER™ mooring system allows for quick and easy tying up of your vessel. The easy-to-install system consists of a series of polymer "cleats" that ride up and down stainless rods which allows you to tie your boat up tight.

Rough Rider $440.00
1” x 6”

Tide-Adjusting Fender/Cleat System moves up and down with the tide so the fender is always at the height of your boat’s rub rail!
At Seahorse Docking, we’ve solved the age old problem of protecting your boat with fenders where a constantly rising and falling tide is involved. TIDE RIGHT is the only true tide adjusting fender/cleat system. Once you set the fender and cleat to match the level of your boat’s rub rail, the built-in float and the tide do the rest.

Tide Right $1720.00
- Reinforced Y Beam, 4’6”
- Drilled for 1” Rough Rider

4” x 1” Rough Rider $650.00
- Built for reinforced Y beam
- Double cleat
- Flexslide attachment
- Flat mounting plat